Thursday, April 14, 2016


Hi Everyone! I hope that you are excited about this new activity that we are going to be working on. Your first blog will be posted by me on Sunday, April 17th, by 12:00pm. Here is a reminder of your guidelines to follow each week:
      1. Log onto our class blog, and read the topic that I post on Sunday.
      2. After reading & thinking about your response to the topic I post, write a minimum of 150
          words about the topic. This must be completed by WEDNESDAYS at 9:00am.
      3. Be sure to check the blog often as your classmates will be posting their responses to the topic.
      4. As your classmates are posting their responses to the topic, you must comment a minimum of
         3-5 sentences on each classmates blog. Comments must be completed by FRIDAY at 12:00am.
      5. Be sure that ALL comments are POSITIVE and CONSIDERATE!!
      6. If you are struggling, or have any questions as you are working on your blog, feel free to email
          me at: I will get back to you as soon as possible.


  1. This is a longer test (pretend that I am 167 words long!)

  2. Hi Mrs.Dybas it's me, Stephanie Gunn. I'm using this account to contact you because it wont let me on my actual account for this website. What should I do?

    1. it says the email doesn't exist.

    2. This topic I really wanted to do badly but now I can't because stupid Google says the email does not exist!

    3. There were a few problems with some of the accounts, but it should be all fixed now. Try again, and let me know if you still have issues.

  3. testing testing one two three that is 178 words long maybe more

  4. i'm good now =D by the way this was a test

  5. more people comment more people comment

  6. more people comment more people comment

  7. travis come on write something

  8. OH MY GOSH! MY ACCOUNT FINALLY LET ME LOG IN!!!!!!! :D :D :D! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Can't wait to write my blog! I have a good one! ;D ;D ;D!! (That was supposed to be a winky face)

  10. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D i'm so happy for you

  11. I wonder if it is truly possible to “change the world” as only one person? So often, people will use the phrase “we can change the world, one person at a time,” but I am curious if that is something realistic or not so realistic. I would like to think that if you make a positive impact on someone that you are making a small change in the world, but it seems that there are so many larger issues that our society is dealing with. Can one person make enough of a difference to change the world? I suppose the question is completely hypothetical, but my personal feelings: I hope to be a positive, friendly, helpful, encouraging, and inspiring person to those around me. I hope that I live my life building those around me up, not tearing them down; I hope to be filled more with positive thoughts and optimism than negative thoughts and pessimism; I hope to influence people to be better people than they were the day before. I suppose that it is difficult to believe that one person could change the world, but I hope to make enough of a difference in one person’s life to change THEIR world.

    1. I like how you try to fill people's mind with positive things. It shows that you're willing to put people before yourself. Maybe one day you CAN change the world.

    2. I believe that only one person can change the world. It might be possible if you believe!

  12. i agree that there agree that there are many issues with the world. but i don't think that one person can change the world. i don't think you have enough impact on the world. nice job

  13. Testing to see if the time when I post this is correct or not
